I don't think I suffer from hypochondria, but since I was a child I was always the weak and sickly one. I have several physical and mental disorders which are properly diagnosed and cared for, so as I age I use dharma practice to help me moderate my lifestyle so that I live a manageable lifestyle.
My generic advice is to try not to sweat the small stuffs in life. None of us are going to get out of this life alive, so why the rush to fall sick and die?
Have some fun! Do something that makes one happy, for instance I like going to the temples and I just came back from mindfulness lessons at a local monastery. There's a lot in life that we can give thanks for, even sickness in itself can be enjoyable if we balance it with a healthy dose of dharma. The Gautama Buddha wasn't a pessimist, He didn't go around selling Doomsday theories. Quite conversely, He was a pragmatist and His teachings were meant to adequately define the real pain points in life and from these points onwards He started to prescribe a well balanced lifestyle so that we neither overindulge ourselves nor do we swing to the other extreme of being too harsh on ourselves.
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